Let see the basic steps to be followed to create a physical standby database.
Configuration of my servers -
1) Create backup of spfile on production
2) Set following parameters on Production database.
3) Transfer the password file to $ORACL_HOME/dbs/ location
a) Using Cold backup ( User Managed )
shutdown the Primary database -
copy all the datafiles to standby.
b) Using Hot Backup ( User Managed )
Put Primary database in Begin Backup mode -
II] Create Standby controlfile on Primary database -
5) Transfer file '/tmp/initCBS_STDY.ora' and '/tmp/control01.ctl' to Standby server.
6) On standby server - Create standby spfile.
7) Enable DG config parameters on standby database -
8) Now restore control file
show parameter control file
Check the location and copy the files to that location. I had controlfiles multiplexed at following 3 location.
9) Mount the standby database;
10) Post checks and Config -
a) Crosscheck control file's datafile locations and Physical datafile location if all are present.
b) Create SRL post on standby database. ( Though we create it on primary as well since they might ask for switchover too )
select * from v$standby_log;
c) Now enable the destination on production to enable log shipping to standby database
alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2 = 'enable' scope=both;
11) Once everything is placed, Start the MRP
Configuration of my servers -
OS: - Sun Solaris
Primary Hostname - HYD-PROD-CBS-LIVE
Standby Hostname - JPR-DR-CBS-LIVE
Database Version -
Database Name (Primary and Standby): CBSLIVE
Database Unique Name (Primary): CBS_PROD
Database Unique Name (Standby): CBS_STDY
Listener Port (Primary and Standby) -- We had multiple ports here but for example we are taking 1622
Primary Database Files Location /data*/oradata/cbslive/
Standby Database Files Location /data*/oradata/cbslive/
1) Create backup of spfile on production
create pfile='/tmp/initCBS_STDY.ora' from spfile;
2) Set following parameters on Production database.
alter system set log_archive_dest_2 = 'service=CBS_STDY'; #Net Service Name of Standby
alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2 = 'defer' ;
alter system set log_archive_config= 'dg_config=(CBS_PROD,CBS_STDY)'; #Add db_unique_name
3) Transfer the password file to $ORACL_HOME/dbs/ location
cd $ORACL_HOME/dbs/
scp orapwCBS_PROD oracle@JPR-DR-CBS-LIVE:$ORACL_HOME/dbs/orapwCBS_STDY
4) Now it's time to take backup. We have different ways to take backup. If we will get downtime and the size of database is small then,
I] Backup - a) Using Cold backup ( User Managed )
shutdown the Primary database -
copy all the datafiles to standby.
scp /data*/oradata/cbslive/* oracle@JPR-DR-CBS-LIVE:/data*/oradata/cbslive/*
startup the Primary database.b) Using Hot Backup ( User Managed )
Put Primary database in Begin Backup mode -
alter database begin backup;
copy all the datafiles to standby.scp /data*/oradata/cbslive/* oracle@JPR-DR-CBS-LIVE:/data*/oradata/cbslive/*
End the Begin Backup mode -alter database end backup;
II] Create Standby controlfile on Primary database -
alter database create standby controlfile as '/tmp/control01.ctl';
5) Transfer file '/tmp/initCBS_STDY.ora' and '/tmp/control01.ctl' to Standby server.
6) On standby server - Create standby spfile.
sqlplus / as sysdba
startup nomount pfile='/tmp/initCBS_STDY.ora';
create spfile from pfile='/tmp/initCBS_STDY.ora';
shut immediate;
startup nomount;
7) Enable DG config parameters on standby database -
alter system set fal_server = 'CBS_STDY';
alter system set db_unique_name = 'CBS_STDY';
alter system set log_archive_config= 'dg_config=(CBS_PROD,CBS_STDY)';
8) Now restore control file
show parameter control file
Check the location and copy the files to that location. I had controlfiles multiplexed at following 3 location.
cp /tmp/control01.ctl /data/control/cbslive/control01.ctl
cp /tmp/control01.ctl /data02/control/cbslive/control02.ctl
cp /tmp/control01.ctl /data03/control/cbslive/control03.ctl
9) Mount the standby database;
alter database mount;
10) Post checks and Config -
a) Crosscheck control file's datafile locations and Physical datafile location if all are present.
b) Create SRL post on standby database. ( Though we create it on primary as well since they might ask for switchover too )
select * from v$standby_log;
c) Now enable the destination on production to enable log shipping to standby database
alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2 = 'enable' scope=both;
11) Once everything is placed, Start the MRP
alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;
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